IN THE WOW ZONE! with Intercessors and ANGELS

I attended the round table meeting of the HAPN Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network today at the WOW ZONE in Mankato. We started with acapella worship and during the second song while I had my eyes closed, I saw two figures dressed in white enter the room and take up positions at the two diagonal comers of the room and they remained there during our meeting. I did not share immediately with the group what I saw. In fact I didn't share it until much later when it came time to commission Phil Hess, as HAPN Coordinator for Blue Earth County. It struck me then, that was why we had angelic visitors, they were here as a witness from heaven of the commissioning. We had this happen once at CFC during a presbytery there. Once the angels arrived the meeting took on a marked prophetic dimension. During the discourse, a brother from Jordan, MN shared the following verse from an old hymn. The Love of God verse 3 Could we...