THE FESTIVAL OF WEEKS or PENTECOST? FESTIVAL OF WEEKS is an appropriate name, because the word week means seven and a week of weeks is 7, 7s or 49 days so the next day after a week of weeks is fifty or Pentecost. PENTECOST means 50 . Have you ever been standing near a corner you couldn't quite see around? Yet because the sun was behind them, you could see things approaching the corner by the shadows they cast. In other words you saw the shadows before you saw the reality. In many ways prophetic words or 'signs' under the first covenant were just shadows of things coming around the corner later. The men who lived in those times could see the shadow of Christ coming, but they did not see the reality of it. The Book of Hebrews says about them, they longed to see the Promise but didn't. The shadow of Pentecost was seen coming around the corner, all the way back in Exodus... Just about six weeks (42 days) after the sudden miraculous E...