Orthopedic Surgery - Can dead bones live?

God Knows...The Church needs Orthopedic surgery of supernatural proportions. What does Ezekiel 37 and the valley of dry bones have to do with the Spirit-filled Church of Ephesians? I am glad you asked. In our passage in Ezekiel 37, there are three stages of restoration leading a valley full of dry bones to become a mighty army standing and ready for battle. First God says to Ezekiel MADE ALIVE " Prophesy to the dead bones , that they will live. Prophesy to the bones?? (the skeleton is the foundation of the human body). BUILT UPON/ FITTED TOGETHER - Declare that sinews and tendons will come upon them to connect the bones and providing strength . BUILT TOGETHER Prophesy 'skin'* to come and cover the skeleton and the mechanical elements of the body Giving honor to all the ' less presentable' body parts ...