*** First Time Visitors *** Please go to the First Time Visitors tab or go to Thursday night tab If you want to share what we are doing with a friend please direct them using the URL for that page. ============================ 31-JULY-2014 WE ARE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS OF CHESED (God's Loving Kindness) or favor. My wife Diane and I are celebrating 21 years in Mankato today, we moved out of our home in Rosemount, MN and into to our Mankato house on East Main street on July 31, 1993. We moved largely because we felt God had led us to come here to be part of what He was going to do. Prophetic Word - July 1992 He was going to restore, redeem and revitalize this city. He indicated that he was going to be replacing the leadership in five areas of authority in this city/region. First, in His house(s) of worship, those who represent ecclesiastic authority Second in the business community,...