TNP – June 28, 2012 I came early and played a variety of worship music and created a slide for Don: Prayer… It is not seeking for answers… It is connecting with God, to know HIM who has NO questions. Noble seemed preoccupied or troubled he had been watching the news and the reports of all that is going wrong in the world. Attention: “All Flyers please CHECK ALL your BAGGAGE AT THE GATE!” “There will be no carry-on baggage allowed on this flight.” Don asked me to walk us all through the process of turning over our baggage to the baggage handler. It is not enough to be free of the WEIGHT of our baggage, we must replace it with the JOY of the Lord. We must receive the infilling of the Spirit of God rather than just leaving ourselves empty and swept clean… If we are in debt it is not enough to be debt free; abundant life is more than just breaking even. If we are sick, it is not enough to get better, we need to live in divin...