I recently found my name on a JAIL HEALTH CASE STUDY! I was assigned to enter into Nightingale Notes by CHAMP Software and as I read through the PATIENT chart you could see fragments of this other persons life, who shared my name. It reminded me to be always thankful for what I have and always put my personal problems in perspective. There is always somebody out there dealing with more substantial problems, so be aware of the other guy and the problems they are dealing with. Also jail health nurses are saints! Be slow to get angry ... and quick to forgive. Or you might find yourself on more than the documentation for a sample case study. And as we come into this Holiday season let us remember the Lamb of God who gave us our, 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE! PASS. PASSOVER LAMB = JESUS JESUS EQUALS FREEDOM "YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE..." AND TRUTH IS A PERSON!