
Showing posts from November, 2007

To Christian Workers - Chapter 23a

Download QuickTime Player Download Chapter Audio file (HQ MP3) "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ" by Madame Jeanne Guyon As we draw near to the close of this little book, I would like to address a word of exhortation to those Christian workers who are in charge of new converts. Let us consider the present situation. All around us, Christians are seeking to convert the lost to Jesus Christ. What is the best way to do this? And once men have been converted, what is the best way to aid them in attaining full perfection in Christ? The way to reach the lost is to reach them by the heart. If the new convert were introduced to real prayer and to true inward experience of Christ as soon as he became converted, you would see countless numbers of convert go on to become true disciples. On the other hand, you can see that the present way of dealing only with the external matters of life of the new convert brings little fruit. Burdening the new Christian with countless rules and a...

The Constant State - Chapter 22b

Download QuickTime Player Download Chapter Audio file (HQ MP3) "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ" by Madame Jeanne Guyon Now In this state of rest, is your soul active or passive? It is active! You are not in a passive state, even if you are resting. By what activity could there be resting? You are resting in the act of abiding in His love/ Can that be activity? Yes! Inside your spirit there is an act going on. It is a sweet sinking into Deity. The inward attraction—the magnetic pull—becomes more and more powerful. Your soul, dwelling in love, is drawn by this powerful attraction and sinks continually deeper into that love. So you see, this inward activity has become far greater than it was when your soul first began to turn inward. Under the powerful attraction of God drawing you into Himself, the inward activity has increased. The difference is that at the outset the activity was more outward; now the activity has moved inside; it has become deep, inward, hidden and ...