Abandonment - Chapter 6
Download QuickTime Player Abandonment...(Download mp3 Audio) "Experiencing The Depths of Jesus Christ" by Madame Jeanne Guyon At the outset of this book we discussed how to know the depths of Jesus Christ. Our beginning was quite simple. We looked first at praying the Scripture and then the simplicity of just beholding the Lord. After you have pursued this level of experience with the Lord for a considerable length of time, you then should be ready to go on to a deeper level of experience with Him and a deeper level of knowing Him. But in this deeper encounter with the Lord which we looked at in Chapter 4, you must move outside the realm of prayer alone; or, to state it more clearly, you must move away from just that one or two times a day you set apart for prayer with the Lord. At this point there must enter into your heart whole new attitudes toward your entire life. If you are to branch out beyond just a time of prayer each day, other parts of your life-and even your who...